Instead of singing their way to success, the U of T students and alumni who dominated the inaugural Toronto City Idol competition presented fresh ideas about municipal politics. The winners, who are running for city councillor in the Nov. 13 election, will receive assistance with their campaigns. Three of the four candidates have U of T connections: Bahar Aminvaziri (BASc 2004), an engineering master’s student and a Ministry of the Environment engineer, will run in North York; Amarjeet Chhabra, a political science and life sciences student at the University of Toronto Scarborough, will be a candidate in Scarborough; and Arthur Roszak (BA 2002 St. Michael’s), a business development manager, will compete in Etobicoke.
Ten distinguished alumni and eight prominent faculty members – including U of T’s president – were among the 77 Canadians appointed to the Order of Canada, this country’s highest honour for lifetime achievement. Four alumni were appointed officers of the order, the second highest designation after companion: Charles Baillie (LLB 1961, BA 1962 Trinity), chancellor, Queen’s University, for industry/commerce/business; George Butterfield (BA 1961 Trinity), president, Butterfield and Robinson Travel, for industry/commerce/business; Michele Landsberg (BA 1962 UC), journalist, for communications; and Denis Stairs (PhD 1969), professor, Dalhousie University, for education.
Named members of the order were Ralph Barford (BCom 1959 Victoria), president Valford Holdings Limited, for industry/commerce/business; Frederick Blackstein (BASc 1961), governor, Algonquin College, for voluntary service; Suzanne Bradshaw (BA 1959 Victoria), former chair, Corporation of Massey Hall & Roy Thomson Hall, for arts/music; George MacDonald (BA 1961 Victoria), director, Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, for heritage; David Silcox (BA 1959 Victoria, MA 1966), director, Sotheby’s Canada, for arts/visual; Otto Tucker (DEd 1972 OISE/UT), former professor, Memorial University, for heritage; and Norman Whitney (PhD 1953), professor emeritus, University of New Brunswick, for education.
Among the faculty named officer of the Order of Canada were President David Naylor (MD 1978), Professor Emeritus Bernard Dickens of law, Professor Emeritus Mary Seeman (DSc 2002 Hon.) of psychiatry and University Professor Emeritus Endel Tulving (BA 1953 UC, MA 1954, DSc 2001 Hon.) of psychology. Professor Emeritus John Dirks of medicine, Professor Emeritus Donald Meeks of social work, University Professor Janice Gross Stein of political science and Professor Stanley Zlotkin (BSc 1971 Innis, PhD 1981) of pediatrics and nutritional studies were named members of the order. The new appointments were announced by Governor General Michaëlle Jean July 24.