Campus Reflections - University of Toronto Magazine
University of Toronto Magazine University of Toronto Magazine
Photo of King's College Circle with the Medical Science Building, CN Tower and Convocation Hall on top and a mirror image on the bottom
Photo: Cynda Fleming

Campus Reflections

A Faculty of Music alum reimagines an iconic view of U of T Read More

It’s one of the most iconic views of U of T’s St. George Campus. And it’s the last glimpse of campus that each of the university’s students see before they become alumni. Cynda Fleming (MMus Perf 2002, MMus Ed 2005) is a doctoral student in the Faculty of Music who received her second master’s degree at Convocation Hall about a decade ago. She walks through front campus at least once a week and often stops at University College, where her parents met in 1958. Fleming sometimes takes pictures of UC, but on this sunny morning she turned south and captured Con Hall instead, with the city growing up behind it. “There’s something really special about that view,” she says. At home, a photo app helped her reimagine the field as a reflecting pool.

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