U of T has an outsize presence right across the Toronto region. With almost 100,000 students, faculty and staff on three campuses, it contributes more than $15 billion each year to the economy.
But these numbers tell only a small part of the story.
In many ways, the university is a giant lab – a place where countless ideas for improving urban life are generated, tested and then put into action.
Here, you’ll read how students and professors are searching for ways to make Toronto even better – by promoting cycling in the suburbs, helping newcomers succeed, replenishing our urban forest, giving homeless people a home. The results, though not always immediately obvious, are all around us – in safer streets, in healthier citizens, in fresher air and greener neighbourhoods. You just need to know where to look.
See how U of T students, faculty and researchers are helping to make Toronto a more:
Co-operative and Productive City
No Responses to “ From Good to Great ”
Better Toronto? Make it greener. The developers build condo buildings one after another, often cutting healthy, well-developed trees in order to get space for the constructions. Then they plant new trees, which for some reason die quickly. There should be a limit to this practice. There should be a law to protect our trees, our green spaces, especially in downtown Toronto. And it should be obligatory to place parks or parkettes in between each new condo building.